The biggest threat to your IT infrastructure: Your own employees

The biggest threat to your I.T infrastructure: Your own employees
Did you know that your employees often unwittingly ‘help’ cybercriminals gain access to your system? Often, employees play a part in compromising the security of your IT infrastructure, even without them realizing it. For example-
When your employees use their own devices for work purposes such as to access emails, to connect to work servers or to work on office files. In the event their device gets infected by a malware or hacked, the virus or the hacker gets access to your data […]
Digital Transformation in the Oil & Gas Industry: Combining Azure Cloud-Based Services
In today's fast-paced world, we understand that every second is valuable to your business. We also know that managing large volumes of data requires a battle-tested database. Microsoft's #Azure provides the tools you need to improve operational efficiency. Watch how a data-driven company such as Lizo can utilize Cosmo DB and SQL Database to improve overall performance and business results. Contact us to learn more.
It’s 2020. Do You Know Where Your Digital Future Is?
We already rely on the cloud to help our personal lives run more smoothly, so why do some hesitate to allow it to help our work lives run more efficiently? In 2020 and beyond, digital transformation takes us to the cloud for play—and work. Read Tyler Bowman's article, "It's 2020. Do You Know Where Your Digital Future Is?" for an insightful perspective on a few of the lingering concerns of corporate world cloud buy-in—and how to navigate them.
3 things your Managed Services Provider (MSP) wants you know

3 things your Managed Services Provider (MSP) wants you know
Are you considering bringing a MSP on board? Or perhaps you already have one. Either way, for you to truly benefit from your relationship with a MSP, you need to build a solid bond with them. As a MSP who has been in this business for long, I can tell you the 3 important steps that will help you get there.
Share, share, share
Your MSP is your IT doctor. Just as you would share everything about your health with your doctor, you need […]
SQL Server and Azure SQL Database GDPR Guidance Paper
Members of the European Union and European Economic Area pay close attention to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which regulates data protection and privacy. Microsoft created this informational guidance paper to support understanding of the regulations—and to offer helpful links if you need more specific information. Check it out!
Why the cloud? Why Microsoft Azure?
If you're a SMB and haven't migrated to the cloud yet, you've probably got questions, including why Microsoft Azure might best fit your needs. Unmatched security might be one reason. With built in protection for hybrid environments, the Azure Security Center lets you focus on driving your business priorities without the worry of whether your data is protected. We can answer your questions and help you get started—contact Capital Network Solutions, Inc. today.
Don’t make these IT mistakes as you grow!

Don’t make these IT mistakes as you grow!
During the course of IT consultancy, we come across a lot of clients who are not happy with the way their IT shaped up over the years. They feel their IT investments never really yielded the kind of returns they expected and come to us looking to change the trend. When analyzing the reasons for the failure of their IT investment, here’s what we come across most often.
Not prioritizing IT
This is the #1 mistake SMBs make. When focusing on growing their business, most SMBs […]
Digital Transformation in the Oil & Gas Industry: Collect and Monitor Sensor Data
If you're investing in technology to provide immediate feedback, why not also invest in a platform that allows you to use the data for efficient decision-making? At oil and gas facilities, cameras and sensors output data at lightning speeds—and it must be managed in order to keep operations smoothly. Watch how a company could use Microsoft Azure to help meet its goal.
IT Red Flags to Watch Out For
IT Red Flags to Watch Out For
At Capital Network Solutions (CNS), we go beyond basic security measures like software updates and antivirus protection. By following the cyber security framework outlined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), we offer enterprise-grade security that small businesses can afford.
As someone running a SMB, you probably have a lot on your plate. You are the core decision maker, responsible for growing your business, keeping your clients happy and getting all the working done. Often, when you have so much going […]
Lizo | Transformation in the oil & gas industry: data analysis and visualization
With improved technological tools, you're likely accumulating more data than ever. If you're wondering how to manage it, you're not alone. Microsoft understands that most businesses are experiencing a significant increase in data and need help. Watch this video for an example of how a data-driven company can utilize #Azure Cosmos DB and Power BI to process large volumes of data and provide actionable insights to their business. Contact Capital Network Solutions, Inc. for migration questions and assistance.